She's so Annoying and so Irrelevant, 2017
Video, Audio, Screen Printed Paper
March/2019- Self As Actor: Colonising Identity, NeMe, Cyprus
December/2018- Monitor, AIR Gallery, Altrincham
May/2018- Fringe Arts Bath, Living In Hyperreality, Bath
December/2018- Monitor, AIR Gallery, Altrincham
May/2018- Fringe Arts Bath, Living In Hyperreality, Bath
This video installation explores the relationship between the ‘online’ and ‘offline’ spheres that are present in our every day, social media saturated lives. Technology is now an essential aspect of contemporary life, and often our phones and our personalities are physically inseparable - does a reality without the online now exist? I am particularly interested in how human communication is translated into an online realm: how speech and body language are represented in the absence of a physical shared space. This piece explores boundaries of communication: how the distance of the internet can influence what is acceptable to say; and to whom. Does this detachment encourage objectification and violence towards the ‘Other’? It discusses the atmosphere and emotions created by trolling, and whether this is 'real' or imagined.